KSU Board

The Katholieke Scholenstichting Utrecht (KSU) is a professional organization for primary education that provides excellent education in almost every neighborhood in Utrecht. Around 850 employees directly or indirectly provide education to 7,100 children. KSU manages and oversees 25 primary schools spread across 30 locations in the municipality of Utrecht.

Our Social Mission

KSU schools offer world-oriented education that enables children to understand the world. We teach them to act based on democratic principles, with an awareness of a sustainable planet and care for each other. We do this with a focus on equal opportunities, digitalization, and globalization. Our strategic plan "Samen Leren Leven" (Learning and Living Together) elaborates on our social mission. You can read it here.

Key Points of the Strategic Plan "Samen Leren Leven"

We believe in every child and demonstrate this by having trust and giving trust.
We create awareness among children about the role they play in the world.
We build a better world by teaching children to understand the world and find their place in it. Our Catholic history provides a strong foundation.
We move outward, towards life as we all know it. Our children experience that learning only has meaning in the world as it presents itself to them and that the school is not isolated but part of something bigger.
Together with parents, the neighborhood, and the city as a partner network, we strive for a better world by being an integral part of society.
We act based on democratic principles and Catholic values, taking responsibility to care for each other and for a sustainable planet.

Core Values

The Catholic identity is the source from which daily work is carried out in the school. The foundation of our strategy is formed by our core values. These values are present in all our discussions and actions. The core values are:

  • Courage
  • Responsibility
  • Curiosity
  • Trust
  • Attention

For more information about the foundation: www.ksu.nl.